Illustration of skip connection in a residual block. Inspired by the ResNet paper. arxiv:1512.03385
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc, decorations.pathreplacing}
\node[fill=orange!50] (l1) {layer 1};
\node[blue!50!black, right=of l1, label={below:activation}] (act1) {$a(\vec x)$};
\node[fill=teal!50, right=of act1] (l2) {layer 2};
\node[right=of l2, font=\Large, label={below:add}, inner sep=0, pin={60:$\mathcal F(\vec x) + \vec x$}] (add) {$\oplus$};
\node[blue!50!black, right=of add, label={below:activation}] (act2) {$a(\vec x)$};
\draw[->] (l1) -- (act1);
\draw[->] (act1) -- (l2);
\draw[<-] (l1) -- ++(-2,0) node[below, pos=0.8] {$\vec x$};
\draw[->] (l2) -- (act2) node[above, pos=0.8] {};
\draw[->] ($(l1)-(1.5,0)$) to[out=90, in=90] node[below=1ex, midway, align=center] {skip connection\\(identity)} node[above, midway] {$\vec x$} (add);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=1ex, raise=1cm}] (l2.east) -- node[midway, below=1.2cm] {$\mathcal F(\vec x)$} (l1.west);