Inspired by
line cap=round, thick,
stage/.style={shape=circle, draw, font=\bfseries, minimum width=2*\circRad},
challenge/.style={draw, very thin, inner sep=2, rounded corners=2},
every node/.style={align=center},
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=challenges]
% Data
\node [stage, fill=orange!40] (data) {Data\\Challenges};
\foreach \itm [count=\i, evaluate={\a=\i*15+120;}] in
{volume, velocity, variety, veracity, visualization, long-term storage, standardization} {
\node[challenge] at (\a:\circRad + 2mm) [rotate=\a+180, anchor=east] {\itm};
\draw (\a:\circRad + 2mm) -- (\a:\circRad);
% Descriptor
\node [stage, fill=yellow!40] (descriptor) {Descriptor\\Challenges};
\foreach \itm [count=\i, evaluate={\a=\i*15+140;}] in
{symmetry invariance, translation, rotation, permutation} {
\node[challenge] at (\a:\circRad + 2mm) [rotate=\a+180, anchor=east] {\itm};
\draw (\a:\circRad + 2mm) -- (\a:\circRad);
\foreach \itm [count=\i, evaluate={\a=30-\i*15;}] in
{efficiency, speed, compactness} {
\node[challenge] at (\a:\circRad + 2mm) [rotate=\a, anchor=west] {\itm};
\draw (\a:\circRad + 2mm) -- (\a:\circRad);
% Model
\node [stage, fill=blue!20] (model) {Model\\Challenges};
\foreach \itm [count=\i, evaluate={\a=70-\i*16;}] in
{reproducibility, benchmarking, transfer learning, extrapolation, {sharing model+results}, computational cost, incorporate physics} {
\node[challenge] at (\a:\circRad + 2mm) [rotate=\a, anchor=west] {\itm};
\draw (\a:\circRad + 2mm) -- (\a:\circRad);
\draw[ultra thick,->] (data.-70) to [bend right] (descriptor.-110);
\draw[ultra thick,->] (descriptor.70) to [bend left] (model.110);